Tiger Tag

Tiger Mountain Summer Cross Country Competition

Participating in the competition :

Read the rules here...

Get the waypoints and software here...

Learn how to use your GPS here...

Go compete and have a great flight...

Create and file your claim here...


To provide a fun and safe competition that builds skill and is accessible to all pilots regardless of time commitments, wing performance and retrieve options.

Tiger Tag Rules


The objective of the competition is to tag as many waypoints as efficiently as possible. A tag is considered successful when you log a GPS track point within a .25mi radius of the waypoint. This is how turnpoints are scored in competitions.

Valid Flight

In order for a flight to be considered for scoring, it must meet the following criteria:


Flight score = Base score * ( 100% + Time factor ) * ( 100% + Wing factor )

Base score = Distance score + ( Unique waypoints x 3 ) + LZ bonus

Distance score: The distance score for a flight is equal to the total ground miles measured from the centers of tagged waypoints from Tiger launch waypoint to landing. If no waypoints are tagged, the score is equal to the distance in miles from Tiger launch to the landing. If there are no waypoints tagged and the landing is at the Tiger LZ, the flight is not valid and will not be scored.

If landing out, the furthest trackpoint from the last waypoint tagged, or launch, is used to measure the best distance. This allows the pilot to use their altitude to fly over an unlandable area to get the best distance and fly back to a landing area without being penalized for choosing a safe landing point.

Unique Waypoints Tagged: Each unique waypoint tagged in the flight will receive 3 points.

LZ Bonus: To separate laps from further out and back flights, the LZ bonus is equal to the furthest tagged waypoint from the LZ and is only awarded if the pilot lands in either of two places:

Time Factor: The time factor is calculated as a percentage of the base score and is a reward for flying fast around a long route.

Wing Factor: The final score is multiplied by a factor to even out the advantages of higher perfomance wings.


The flight started at 5:30:20pm and stopped at 6:59:40pm.
The route, after dropping repeated waypoints that did not have two different waypoints between them was TGL->TM->TGW->TLK->TGL->TM->TGW->TLK->TM->TGW->TLK->IHS->TLZ

The first TGL is not counted as a tag because it is the lauch cylinder waypoint. The last TLZ is not counted because it is the LZ cylinder waypoint and is not a tag. The unique waypoints are TM TGW TLK TGL IHS so the unique waypoints bonus is 5 x 3 = 15

The route distance was 12.41mi

The flight ended in the LZ, so the LZ bonus is the most distant waypoint, which is IHS at 1.89mi

The base score is 12.41 + 15 + 1.89 = 29.30

The task time is 6:50:40 - 5:30:20 = 1:20:20 which is 80 minutes (rounded down to the nearest minute)

The time factor is ( 29.30 / 80 ) / 2 = 0.183125 (or 18.3125%)

The flight was made on a DHV2/3 wing and gets a 10% wing factor

The final score is 29.30 x ( 1 + 0.183125 ) x ( 1 + 0.10 ) = 38.13

Note: the program that calculates the score based on the tracklog keeps the highest accuracy possible without rounding until the final score, which is then rounded to 2 decimal places. The program calculates exact distances between waypoints. If you perform your own scoring, there may be minor differences in the final score. The program's score is the one used by the competition scorers.


There are two classes in the competition : weekday flights and weekend flights.

For the monthly results, the best three flights for the month will be used.

For the season competition, the best six flights will be used.


There are 2 classes in the competition : Serial for wings rated DHV 1-2 and below, Open for everyone else. The highest rate wing flown for the month / season decides the class.


©2009 David Wheeler     Last updated April 10, 2010